Encyclopedia of Chess Problems

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Encyclopedia of Chess Problems

Beitragvon Topschach » Mo 5. Nov 2012, 09:10

Topschach Kommentar:
Ein Buch für absolute Schach-Hardcore-Fans. Komplett im Informatorstil werden Schachprobleme präsentiert, welche fein sortiert nach Themen eine gute Basis für jeden Schachtrainer darstellen. Ob der Informatorstir heutzutage noch zeitgemäß ist, wage ich allerdings zu bezweifeln.

Encyclopedia of Chess Problems
The Definitive book - Themes and Terms
by Milan Velimirovic , Kari Valtonen


Publisher: Chess Informant, 2012
Edition: Hardcover
1726 : problems
Pages: 520
Language: Symbols

Chess Informant proudly presents The Definitive Book, Encyclopedia of Chess Problems: Themes and Terms, written by GM of chess composition and GM solver Milan Velimirovic and his colleague, GM solver and 1984 World Solving champion, Kari Valtonen from Finland.

Inside, there are 1726 selected problems and all the answers to any question that one might ask about chess problems. It can be read in different ways, like the classical Larousse encyclopedia about themes and terms or as a great collection of problems.

Milan Velimirovic (b.1952) is a GM of Chess Composition, GM Solver and International Judge of chess composition. Editor of chess composition magazines “MAT” (1974-1985) and “Mat Plus” (since 1994). He has published several books on chess composition. Author of numerous articles on chess composition. Living in Belgrade, Serbia.

Kari Valtonen (b.1954) is GM Solver and International Judge of chess composition. Editor of the chess composition section of “Suomen Shakki” (1987-2008), sub-editor of chess composition magazine “Suomen Tehtäväniekat” (1992-1997). Author of several articles on themes and terms in chess composition. World Solving Champion in 1984. Living in Tampere, Finland.

Uri Avner, GM of Chess Composition, Honorary President of the WFCC: “This comprehensive encyclopedia is special in our field of chess composition and will be enjoyed by chess players as well. It is a must in the library of all lovers of chess problems and studies."

Im Shop kaufen: http://www.topschach.de/encyclopedia-chess-problems-p-2342.html
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