Rubinstein's Chess Masterpieces

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Rubinstein's Chess Masterpieces

Beitragvon Topschach » Di 5. Feb 2013, 10:01

Topschach Kommentar:
1933 kam dieses Buch in deutscher Sprache auf den Markt. Nach nun über 75 Jahren ist es auch endlich in englischer Sprache wieder erhältlich. Ich persönlich mag den antiquierten Analysestil von Hans Kmoch nicht sonderlich, aber auch er hat seine Fans.

Rubinstein's Chess Masterpieces

100 Selected Games
by Hans Kmoch
Publisher: Ishi Press, 2012
Edition: Paperback medium
First published in : 1933 (German)
ISBN: 978-48-71875-81-3
Notation: English
Pages : 198
Language: English


This is not merely a great book. It is an important piece of chess history, because the author Hans Kmoch visited the Rubinstein Family Home in 1933 in an effort to get the great grandmaster of chess to return to active play.

When Rubinstein could not be induced to return, his family who was living in dire poverty asked Kmoch for help in raising funds. The result was an ad placed asking to finance this book on a subscription basis.

The result was a book entitled "Rubinstein gewinnt! : Hundert Glanzpartien des großen Schachkünstlers. Erläutert von Hans Kmoch. Biographische Einleitung von Jacques Hannak. Verlag der Wiener Schachzeitung, Wien 1933"

That book was then translated into this book. It was a direct translation. All the games are the same. I have not been able to find any changes at all, although there are no doubt a few.

I have just purchased the only original copy of the 1933 book Rubinstein gewinnt! left that I have been able to find after months of searching. I am reprinting it as ISBN 4871875806.

Akiba Rubinstein was born on 12 December 1882 in Poland. He has long been regarded as the strongest chess player in history who never became world champion.

A recent trivia quiz appeared in Chess Life Magazine: Who is the player who defeated Lasker, Capablanca and Alekhine the first time he played each of them. The answer was of course Akiba Rubinstein.

Rubinstein won five tournaments in a row during the period 1912-1914. There is little doubt that he was the strongest player in the world at that time.

Rubinstein's contribution to chess opening theory has been enormous. Almost every major chess opening has a Rubinstein Variation or a Rubinstein Defense. Think about it: There is no Fischer Defense, no Capablanca Defense. But there are many variations called the Rubinstein Defense or Variation.

Only Steinitz has as many openings named after him, but the Steinitz Defenses are no longer played. Rubinstein far outlived all of his contemporaries. His family all survived the war. Rubinstein died on 5 March 1961 in Antwerp, Belgium at age 83. He was in good physical health until just before he died.

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