Strategy & Tactics in Chess

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Strategy & Tactics in Chess

Beitragvon Topschach » Di 5. Feb 2013, 10:51

Topschach Kommentar:
Habe ich eben noch ein über 70 Jahre altes Schacheröffnungsbuch von Ishi Press getadelt, muss ich die Wiederbelebung des vorliegenden Klassikers loben. Selbst nach knapp 80 Jahren kann man aus diesem Schinken noch ordentliches Schach lernen ! Diesmal gibt's sogar'ne Kaufempfehlung. :D

Strategy & Tactics in Chess
Includes sixty-seven diagrams
by Max Euwe


Publisher: Ishi Press, 2013
Edition: Paperback medium
Notation: English
First published in : 1935
ISBN: 978-48-71875-63-9
Pages : 176
Language: English

This is a book on basic chess strategy written by Dr. Max Euwe while he was World Chess Champion. Unlike so many subsequent books by Euwe, there is no co-author to this book. Euwe himself wrote this one.

The topics covered are:

I. Strategy and Tactics.

II. Strategy: General principles.
- The greatest possible field of action for the pieces.
- As much choice as possible of intervening

III. Strategy: Special principles.
- Taking the initiative where one is strongest.
- Directing the attack in general on fixed pawns.

IV. Tactics: Combinations in General.
- Mating combinations.
- Open-field combinations.

V. Mating combinations.
- Direct mate combinations.
- Break-up combinations.
- Penetrative combinations.
- Lateral combinations.

VI. Open-field combinations.
- Combinations for gain in material.
- Focal-point combinations.
- Pinning combinations.
- Unmasking combinations.
- Overload combinations.
- Desperado combinations.
- Cumulative combinations.

VII. Compound combinations.

VIII. End-game combinations.
- Forcing combinations.
- Advancing combinations.
- Promotion combinations.

Dr. Max Euwe was world chess champion from 1935 to 1937. He played all of the great players from Lasker to Fischer in tournaments and studied all of their games in great detail. He knew more about them and their games than anybody else.

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