The Strategic Nimzo-Indian

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The Strategic Nimzo-Indian

Beitragvon Topschach » Mi 7. Mär 2012, 20:47

Topschach Kommentar:
Ein weiteres Buch über Nimzoindisch. Diesmal geht es allerdings nicht um eine oberflächliche Einführung der Varianten, sondern um die strategischen Ideen dieser Eröffnung. Genauer gesagt, geht es in diesem ersten Band um die Rubinstein-Variante. Die gezeigten Ideen sind interessant und teilweise wirklich unbekannt. Mit dieser Buchreihe kommt frischer Wind in den Nimzoinder. Schachanfängern rate ich allerdings von diesem Buch ab, da hier schon sehr viel Grundwissen im Nimzoinder vorausgesetzt wird. Für Schachfreunde, welche Nimzoindisch im Repertoire haben ist dieses Buch aber eine wahre Fundgrube.

The Strategic Nimzo-Indian
Vol. 1: A Complete Guide to the Rubinstein Variation
by Ivan Sokolov


Publisher: New In Chess, 2012
Edition: Paperback medium
ISBN: 978-90-5691-378-6
Pages: 416
Language: English

The Nimzo-Indian Defence continues to be one of the most important chess openings, both at club level and with top players. In recent years it has undergone a number of significant changes and it’s high time for a thorough look at the current state of affairs.

Top grandmaster Ivan Sokolov is the perfect authority to do so.

The Strategic Nimzo-Indian: A Complete Guide to the Rubinstein Variation is the first of a two-part series. In this ground-breaking and clearly structured first volume, Sokolov investigates all lines after the move 4.e3. Volume 2 will be about 4.a3, the Sämisch Variation.

Inspired by great masters like Mikhail Botvinnik, Ivan Sokolov has played the Rubinstein Variation all his life, and he has even beaten World Champion Garry Kasparov with it.

Although play can become very sharp, the Nimzo-Indian requires a profound positional understanding. Ivan Sokolov does not simply give variations, but provides clear explanations of the structures and plans in the various branches, and presents new ideas and resources for both Black and White.

Each chapter ends with a summary containing key strategic and tactical advice.

Ivan Sokolov is a top grandmaster who was born in Bosnia in 1968. He was Yugoslav champion in 1988 and Dutch champion in 1995 and 1998. He rose to the number 12 spot in the FIDE world rankings. In his rich career Sokolov has beaten world chess champions like Garry Kasparov, Vladimir Kramnik and Viswanathan Anand.

Praise for Ivan Sokolov:

Arne Moll, ChessVibes, on 'The Ruy Lopez Revisited':
"This is simply a great opening book, probably one of the best ever on the Spanish Opening."

IM John Watson, The Week In Chess, on 'Winning Chess Middlegames':
"Terrific instructional content and great games."
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Registriert: Do 29. Dez 2011, 23:42

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